It has now become clear that the multi-TEV range has new energy level that needs to be studied and exploited for the benefit of the human race. Unfortunately the information available about the regions is insufficient and cannot be relied to exploit the energy. This is why Compact Linear Collider is important because it is believed that it could provide some insight and shed light on the energy levels. CLIC is therefore a study for a future electron-position collider that would allow physicists to explore a new energy region in the multi TeV range beyond the capabilities of today’s particle accelerators.
To optimize the production of RF power, CLIC will rely on two beam accelerator concept. There is the 12GHz RF power that will generate a high current electron beam, which will run parallel to the main beam. The beam will decelerate in power extraction structures and the generated RF power will then be transferred to the main beam. This will result in a simple tunnel layout without RF components. The beams may be generated in a central injector complex before being transported along linac. Unfortunately, there will be a number of challenges that need be mastered. They include:
How to generate high- intensity drive beam in a most efficient way.
The extraction structure that can allow the generation of the required power.
Structures that can accelerate at 12 GHz and generate the required power.
The accelerating structures that is capable of producing the required gradient.
Generating and maintaining a small emmittance beam.
Aligning different components used in the experiment.
Focusing the beam
Already the important aspects of CLIC have been experimented on and have been validated. The Goal of the ongoing tests (CTF, CTF2 and CTF3) is to demonstrate the remaining issues on the CLIC
The future Circular Colliders
They are considered under the FCC study. The study aims at developing conceptual designs that will make it easier to carry out the full circular collider study. The study will develop the conceptual design for post LHC particle accelerator with the energy above that of witnesses in SP, LHC and Tevatron circular colliders.
Further, the study will explore the feasibility of different particle collider scenarios that aims at expanding the current energy level. The objective is to complement the existing technical designs for liner positron/electron colliders.
The study emphasis on hadrons + (proton/proton and lepton (positron/electron).It also examines the hadron/lepton scenario. The study explores the possibility of lepton and hadron circular colliders and performs an analysis of the operation concept and the infrastructure. The study further considers the technology research and development program required to build and operate future circular colliders.
A design study for accelerator projects with emphasis on electron –positron, proton-proton and high energy machines need to be carried on. The studies should be combined with vigorous accelerator R&D program that include high gradient accelerating structures and high field magnets. This should be done in collaboration with national institutes, universities, laboratories and national institutes.
Further the discovery of Higgs boson and the absence of the phenomena beyond the standard model in collisions up to 8TeV have resulted into a major interest in future colliders which are meant to push energy precision frontiers. The future energy frontier collider at 100TeV has made it possible to reach to territories that were unknown. This is new physics that can be used to explain observations like the prevalence of matter over non-zero masses and antimatter.
Just like LHC, CLIC should help understand matter and the standard model but may not be able to confirm every aspect of SM nor explore key questions concerning the universe.